The Mission Bitcoin Podcast
Reaching kids on college campuses in a post-Christian culture using Bitcoin with Addison Tweedy
I was invited to be the guest on two episodes of this podcast that is geared toward helping men.
College, Faith, & Leadership Podcast
I was interviewed for the inaugural podcast of my good friend Dave Hess. I share my journey and the role of comedy in evangelism.
I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Podcast on Cross Examined
While in Charlotte for a campus event, I joined Dr. Rice Broocks on Dr. Frank Turek’s podcast to discuss Think Evangelism.
In this monthly 90 minute update from around the world I share a brief story to inspire others to reach students and their family. My 5 minute segment begins at 55:52.
In September 2020 I hosted the conference along with my friend Frans from the UK.
Back in 2000, I wrote, recorded, and produced a sketch comedy album with the help of a few friends. It’s available everywhere (apple, google, spotify, youtube, etc.).